Don’t let your dentures keep you from what you love.

Many denture wearers have trouble eating the foods they love. Click Smart Dentures let you eat and smile with confidence.

Find a denture that fits your needs.

We offer three types of dentures to best align with your individual needs. Whether you’re looking to refresh your existing denture (Comfort), replace just a few missing teeth (Partial), or convert to a stable and reliable click-fitting denture (Click), we can customize our offerings to suit you.


Magic Wand Impressions

Our magic wand impressions use advanced scanning technology to replace uncomfortable impressions.

Modern, comfortable techniques greatly reduce the need for putty impressions.

3 Visit Comfort Dentures

Do you have a denture that needs an update? Our three visit technique uses comfort technology to create a better denture in as little as three visits. (Comfort dentures are an option even if you don’t have a denture; added appointments are required).


We scan your old denture with our magic wand to create a digital “improve this” record.


See and experience the changes you’ve requested in a try-in phase.


Your new comfort denture is a strong and beautiful version of your approved try-in.

Click Dentures

Have you found yourself pre-screening restaurant menus to see if they have foods soft enough for your dentures? Regular dentures are hundreds of years old, and they have limitations that you would expect from ancient techniques.

What if your dentures were up to the task of eating from a regular menu?

Click dentures use implant supports to click the dentures into place so you can focus on your friends and not your dentures.

Partial Dentures

Are you missing just one or a few teeth? We can find a comfortable option to replace those teeth that you may have left on the ice!

Dental Implants

If you’re looking for a more secure and hidden option, dental implants might suit you. We’ll work with you to find the best option for your smile.